
Chemicals covered by the REACh and CLP Regulations

Expert Committee

The task of the Expert Committee (CES) on "Chemicals covered by the REACH and CLP Regulations" is to provide ANSES with scientific and technical support for its missions in connection with the following regulations:

  • Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), as well as the restrictions applying to these chemicals and preparations;
  • Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging (known as the CLP Regulation);
  • Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.

This mainly involves: identifying and prioritising the substances to be assessed; assessing the hazards and risks to human health and the environment, on the basis of registration dossiers submitted under the above-mentioned regulations and all the scientific information available; analysing the regulatory management options (RMO or RMOA); drafting dossiers to be submitted at European level for restriction or identification as a substance of very high concern (SVHC); drawing up proposals for harmonised classification and labelling, including the new hazard classes (ED – endocrine disruptor, PBT – persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity, PMT – persistence, mobility, toxicity).

2024-2028 mandate

Chair: Christophe MINIER

Vice-Chair: Fabrizio PARISELLI

Vice-Chair: Sylvie BALTORA-ROSSET


  • Isabelle BILLAULT
  • Fabien BRETTE
  • Christophe CALVAYRAC
  • Sébastien ELIS
  • Benjamin EVEN
  • Pascal FROMENT
  • Aurore GELY-PERNOT
  • Laure GEOFFROY
  • Aurélie GOUTTE
  • Ludovic LE HEGARAT
  • Nicolas LOISEAU
  • François MASFARAUD
  • Thierry ORSIERE
  • Cécile QUANTIN
  • Sophie ROBERT
  • Sylvaine RONGA-PEZERET
  • Bernard SALLES
  • Pascale TALAMOND
  • Paule VASSEUR
  • Catherine VIGUIE

See the DPI of experts

See Expert Committees (CESs)