
Health reference values

Expert Committee (CES) 

The missions of the Expert Committee (CES) on "Health reference values" are as follows:

  • assessment of the effects of chemicals on human health and characterisation of dose-response relationships, with a view to deriving reference values (TRVs, OELs, IAQGs, DNELs), conducting health risk assessments, or proposing a classification in the framework of the CLP Regulation;
  • formulating toxicity reference values (TRVs);
  • formulating occupational exposure limits (OELs);
  • assessing biomarkers of exposure that can be recommended for the biological monitoring of exposure of workers and the general population to chemical substances, with a view to recommending different types of biological limit values;
  • establishing a position on the recommendations issued by the European Scientific Committee on OELs (SCOEL) during the public consultation phase organised by the European Commission, to ensure consistency between the European and national expertise work;
  • formulating indoor air quality guidelines (IAQGs);
  • prioritising chemical substances that need to be covered by health reference values;
  • conducting methodological work in connection with the characterisation of chemical hazards (mixture effects, probabilistic approach, QSARs, etc.), formulating health reference values and assessing measurement methods.

2024-2028 mandate

Chair: Jérôme THIREAU

Vice-Chair: Maylis TELLE-LAMBERTON


  • Marc BARIL
  • Michèle BISSON
  • Nicolas CHEVALIER
  • Mihai Ciprian CIRTIU
  • Claude EMOND
  • Robert GARNIER
  • Kevin HOGEVEEN
  • Yuriko IWATSUBO
  • Magali LABADIE
  • Jérôme LANGRAND
  • Fabrice MICHIELS
  • Gladys MIREY
  • Christelle MONTEIL
  • Johnny MORETTO
  • Stéphane PERSONNE
  • Renaud PERSOONS
  • Julien ROUSSEL
  • Rachid SOULIMANI
  • Antoine VILLA

See the DPI of experts

See Expert Committees (CESs)